Listamos acá las principales publicaciones del Dr. Armando Matiz,
director de Transformación Inteligente
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Under review Padilla, M., Colon-Burgos, J., Varas-Diaz, N., Matiz-Reyes, A., and Parker, C. “Tourism Labor, Embodied Suffering, and the Deportation Regime in the Dominican Republic.” Submitted to Medical Anthropology.
Under review Padilla, M., Matiz-Reyes, A., Colón-Burgos, J., Varas-Díaz, N., Vertovec, J. “Adaptation of PhotoVoice Methodology to Promote Policy Dialogue among Street-based Drug Users in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.” Submitted to Arts and Health.
Under review Padilla, M., Colon-Burgos, J., Varas-Diaz, N., Matiz-Reyes, A., and Parker, C. “An institutional ethnography of prevention and treatment services for substance use disorders in the Dominican Republic.” Submitted to Health Policy and Planning.
2016 Livingston, K., Padilla, M., Scott, D., Colon-Burgos, J. F., Reyes, A. M., & Varas-Diaz, N. “Methods of mapping ethnographic data on migration, tourism labor, and health risk in the Dominican Republic.” Florida Geographer, 47.
2013 Graham LF, Matiz A, Lopez W, Gracey A, Snow RC, and Padilla M. “Addressing economic devastation and built environment degradation to prevent violence: A photovoice project of Detroit Youth Passages.” Community Literacy Journal; 8(1): 41-52.
2012 Connolly, Maureen D., Padilla, Mark B., Matiz Reyes, Armando, Natsui, Shaw. “Beyond ‘State Pimpage’: Insights from local leaders on HIV/AIDS prevention in the Dominican tourism industry.” Critical Public Health 22(3): 355-371.
2012 Lopez, W, Graham, L, Reardon, C, Matiz-Reyes, A, and Padilla, M. (2012). “’No jobs, more crime. More jobs, less crime’: Structural factors affecting the health of Latino men in Detroit.” Journal of Men’s Health. Online ahead of print:
2011 Padilla, Mark, Armando Matiz-Reyes, Maureen Connolly, Shaw Natsui, Adrian Puello and Helena Chapman. (2011). “Examining the Policy Climate for HIV Prevention in the Caribbean Tourism Sector: A Qualitative Study of Policy Makers in the Dominican Republic.” Health Policy and Planning.doi:10.1093/heapol/czr021..
2010 Padilla, Mark, Emily Pingel, Emily Renda, and Armando Matiz (Editors). Special Issue: “Gender, Sexuality, Health and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Global Public Health 5(3). (also authorship of Introduction to the Special Issue, pp. 1-8).
2010 Padilla MB, Guilamo-Ramos V, Bouris A, Matiz-Reyes A. (2010) “HIV/AIDS and Tourism in the Caribbean: An Ecological Systems Perspective.” American Journal of Public Health 100(1):70-77.
2008 Padilla MB, Castellanos D, Guilamo-Ramos V, Matiz-Reyes A, Sánchez L, Arrendondo M. (2008) “Stigma, Social Inequality, and Sexual Risk Disclosure among Dominican Male Sex Workers.” Social Science and Medicine 67(3): 380-88.
2008 Co-author, Armando Matiz Reyes, U of Michigan): “Toward A collective framework for gender, sexuality, health and human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Conference: “Gender, Sexuality, Health and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean” (organizers: Mark Padilla and Armando Matiz Reyes). Co-sponsored by Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education (School of Public Health), and 7 co-sponsoring units and departments at the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI, October 17, 2008.
2008 Padilla, Mark, Daniel Castellanos, Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, Armando Matiz Reyes, Leonardo E. Sanchez Marte, Martha Arredondo Soriano. 2008. “Stigma, Social Inequality, and HIV Risk Disclosure among Dominican Male Sex Workers.” Social Science and Medicine. 67:3, pp. 380-388.
2006 Matiz- Reyes, A. (January 2006). “Gerencia Optima”. INdetectable Magazine. N 27: 22.
2005 Matiz- Reyes, A. (September 2005). “Cambio dinámica para avanzar”. INdetectable Magazine. N 25: 20.
2004 Matiz- Reyes, A. (August 2004). “Cuando se enferma la sonrisa”. INdetectable Magazine. N 24: 10.
2004 Matiz- Reyes, A. (December 2004). Salud Oral: “Cómo Prevenir la Caries”. Indetectable Magazine. N 24: 13
2004 Matiz- Reyes, A. “Cuerpo y Emociones”. Facilitation Manual. U.A.S. Reproducido con fondos proporcionados por la Academia para el Desarrollo Educativo, con financiamiento de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos párale Desarrollo Internacional (AID) con el acuerdo de Cooperación #517-A00-97-07103-00-00 para el Proyecto AcciónSIDA.
2003 Matiz- Reyes, A. “El Poder de Aprovechar Recursos y Oportunidades.” Cartilla -(UNICEF, PNUD, FNUAP, OIT; UNESCO, OMS, BANCO MUNDIAL).
VIII - Research Support:
PI: Padilla, M.
Funder: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Grant # 1 R01 DA031581-01A1: “Migration, Tourism, and the HIV/drug use Syndemic in the Dominican Republic.”
Dates: 2013-Present
Role on Project: Research Associate and Project Director
PI: Padilla, M.
Funder: National Science Foundation
Grant # 9807486: “Gender and Household Economy in the Dominican Republic.”
Dates: 1998-2000
Role on project: Co-investigator
PI: Padilla, M.
Funder: Global Health Research and Training Program (Fogarty), University of Michigan, School of Public Health.
“Institutional Readiness for Tourism-based HIV/AIDS Prevention in the Dominican Republic.”
Dates: 2008
Role on project: Co-investigator
PI: Amy J. Schulz
Funder: NCMHHD
082340-Community Approaches to Cardiovascular Health: Pathways to Heart Health
Dates: 09/01/09 - 08/31/11
Role on project: Director of Community-Based Training
PI: Mark Padilla
Funder: Ford Foundation
“Economic Crisis, Residential Instability, and Changing Sexual Geographies of Detroit Youth.”
Dates: 09/01/10-08/31/14
Role on project: Trainer; Ethnographer; Academic-Community Liaison